Monday, April 26, 2021

Winston Salem - 4 Tips to Maximize the Sale of Your House


Carolina Living Real Estate and Roby Robertson believes every family should feel confident when buying and selling a home.

4 Tips to Maximize the Sale of Your House | MyKCM

Homeowners ready to make a move are definitely in a great position to sell today. Housing inventory is incredibly low, driving up buyer competition. This gives homeowners leverage to sell for the best possible terms, and it’s fueling a steady rise in home prices.

In such a hot market, houses are selling quickly. According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), homes are typically on the market for just 18 short days. Despite the speed and opportunity for sellers, there are still steps you can take to prep your house to shine so you get the greatest possible return.

1. Make Buyers Feel at Home

One of the ways to make this happen is to take time to declutter. Pack away any personal items like pictures, awards, and sentimental belongings. The more neutral and tidy the space, the easier it is for a buyer to picture themselves living there. According to the 2021 Profile of Home Staging by NAR:

“82% of buyers’ agents said staging a home made it easier for a buyer to visualize the property as a future home.”

Not only will your house potentially attract the attention of more buyers and likely sell quickly, but the same report also notes:

“Eighteen percent of sellers' agents said home staging increased the dollar value of a residence between 6% and 10%.”

As Jessica Lautz, Vice President of Demographics and Behavior Insights for NAR, says:

“Staging a home helps consumers see the full potential of a given space or property…It features the home in its best light and helps would-be buyers envision its various possibilities.”

2. Keep It Clean

On top of making an effort to declutter, it’s important to keep your house neat and clean. Before a buyer stops by, be sure to pick up toys, make the beds, and wash the dishes. This is one more way to reduce the number of things that can distract a buyer from the appeal of the home.

Ensure your home smells fresh and clean as well. Buyers will remember the smell of your house, and according to the same report from NAR, the kitchen is one of the most important rooms of the house to focus on if you want to attract more buyers.

3. Give Buyers Access

Buyers are less likely to make an offer on your house if they aren’t able to easily schedule a time to check it out. If your home is available anytime, that opens up more opportunities for multiple buyers to go from curious to eager. It also allows buyers on tight schedules to still get in to see your house.

While health continues to be a great concern throughout the country, it’s important to work with your agent to find the best safety measures and digital practices for your listing. This will drive visibility and create access options that also keep everyone in the process safe.

4. Price It Right

Even in a sellers’ market, it’s crucial to set your house at the right price to maximize selling potential. Pricing your house too high is actually a detriment to the sale. The goal is to drive high attention from competing buyers and let bidding wars push the final sales price up.

Work with your trusted real estate professional to determine the best list price for your house. Having an expert on your side in this process is truly essential.

Bottom Line

If you want to sell on your terms, in the least amount of time, and for the best price, today’s market sets the stage to make that happen. Let’s connect today to determine the best ways to maximize the sale of your house this year.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Winston Salem: Don't Get Fooled Into Selling Your Home Yourself!

  Carolina Living Real Estate and Roby Robertson believes every family should feel confident when buying and selling a home.


 Don't get fooled into selling your house without the help of an agent. Let's connect to ensure the process is smooth and successful. Never pay 6% To Sell Your Home Again. We are not a discount brokerage. We are full service without brokerage overhead so we pass our savings on to our clients!

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

82,338 Great Reasons to Buy Your Winston Salem Area Home Today

 Carolina Living Real Estate and Roby Robertson believes every family should feel confident when buying and selling a home.

82,338 Great Reasons to Buy a Home Today | MyKCM

The financial benefits of buying a home as compared to renting one are always up for debate. However, one element of the equation is often ignored – the ability to build wealth as a homeowner.

Most experts are calling for home prices to continue appreciating over the next several years. The most recent Home Price Expectation Survey, a survey of over one hundred economists, real estate experts, and investment and market strategists, expects home appreciation to increase as follows:

  • 2021: 6%
  • 2022: 4.5%
  • 2023: 4%
  • 2024: 3.6%
  • 2025: 3.5%

Using their annual projections, the graph below shows the equity build-up a purchaser could earn, using a $350,000 home as an example:82,338 Great Reasons to Buy a Home Today | MyKCMA homeowner could increase their net worth by over $80,000 in five years. That’s an average of $16,000 annually. That number should be in any equation determining the financial benefits of owning a home compared to renting.

Bottom Line

Homeowners are going to make a substantial amount of money in home equity over the next five years. If you’re ready to buy a home, let’s connect so you can enjoy this great benefit as well.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Winston Salem - 4 Ways to Be Prepared for a Bidding War

 In today's competitive market, the average home for sale receives multiple offers. Let's connect to make sure you're fully prepared as a homebuyer for a potential bidding war. We can Surely help!

Carolina Living Real Estate and Roby Robertson believes every family should feel confident when buying and selling a home.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Homeownership Is Full of Financial Benefits


Carolina Living Real Estate and Roby Robertson believes every family should feel confident when buying and selling a home.

Homeownership Is Full of Financial Benefits | MyKCM

Fannie Mae survey recently revealed some of the most highly-rated benefits of homeownership, which continue to be key drivers in today’s power-packed housing market. Here are the top four financial benefits of owning a home according to consumer respondents:

  • 88% - a better chance of saving for retirement
  • 87% - the best investment plan
  • 85% - the chance to be better off financially
  • 85% - the chance to build up wealth

Additional financial advantages of homeownership included in the survey are having the best overall tax situation and being able to live within your budget.

Does homeownership actually give you a better chance to build wealth?

No one can question a person’s unique feelings about the importance of homeownership. However, it’s fair to ask if the numbers justify homeownership as a financial asset.

Last fall, the Federal Reserve released the Survey of Consumer Finances, a report done every three years, with the latest edition covering through 2019. Their findings confirmed that homeownership is a clear financial benefit. The survey found that homeowners have forty times higher net worth than renters ($255,000 for homeowners compared to $6,300 for renters).

The difference in net worth between homeowners and renters has continued to grow. Here’s a graph showing the results of the last four Fed surveys:Homeownership Is Full of Financial Benefits | MyKCMThe above graph only includes data through 2019, but according to CoreLogic, the equity held by homeowners grew by $26,300 over the last twelve months alone. That means the gap between the net worth of homeowners and renters has probably widened even further over the last year.

Some might argue the difference in net worth may be due to homeowners normally having larger incomes than renters and therefore the ability to save more money. However, a study by First American shows homeowners have greater net worth than renters regardless of their income level. Here are the findings:Homeownership Is Full of Financial Benefits | MyKCMOthers may think homeowners are older and that’s why they have a greater net worth. However, a Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University report on homeowners and renters over the age of 65 reveals:

“The ability to build equity puts homeowners far ahead of renters in terms of household wealth…the median owner age 65 and over had home equity of $143,500 and net wealth of $319,200. By comparison, the net wealth of the same-age renter was just $6,700.”

Homeowners 65 and older have 47.6 times greater net worth than renters.

Bottom Line

The idea of homeownership as a direct way to build your net worth has met the test of time. Let’s connect if you’re ready to take steps toward becoming a homeowner.

Monday, April 5, 2021

To Rent Or Buy In a New City

You're officially making the big move from one city to another. Maybe you've landed a new job or have decided you want to travel to North Carolina and live a life near the mountains, the beach or our lakes.  

All your bags are packed, you've said goodbye to friends and family and you're ready to hit the road to  which you will soon call home. 

One of the biggest decisions you will come across is whether you should rent or buy. 
Regardless of what your decide, Carolina Living Real Estate or Carolina Living Property Management can help. Here are a couple of reasons why renting is better than buying for the first couple of years living in a new city. 

 It takes time to learn all about our area. Winston Salem, Lake Norman or Charlotte are all different in what they have to offer and there are numerous  public schools systems and  and numerous private schools. 

Within the first month, you may be completely in love with the area you have first selected. It's easy to be blinded by the excitement of living in a new place because it's all brand new to you. After living here a few months, things could change. You could end up hating the area that you are living in. (We doubt it -:) )  
If you were renting, it would be much easier to move to a different neighborhood than if you were tied into making monthly payments on a mortgage for a house. A lot can change in a year. You could end up hating your new job. 
What if your old boss wanted to hire you back? It would be easier to move back home for your old job if you were only renting a place for a year versus if you had purchased a home. 

If you had bought a house, you would most likely be coughing up your own money to pay off your mortgage and pay for closings costs because your home had not increased in value in such a short amount of time. 
 All in all, while we believe you are going to love the areas we serve. Possibly renting, will give you the piece of mind you need.  

Regardless, we, at Carolina Living are here to assist you with finding the home you want and need. 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Expert Insights on the Budding Spring Housing Market

Carolina Living Real Estate Can Help You and Save YouMoney

Experts agree the housing market is set to bloom this spring. 
Let's connect to make sure you're ready to buy or sell this season. Never overpay 6% to sell your home!

Call for a free comparitave analysis!