Sunday, August 8, 2021

Winston Salem - Do You Like Saving Money?

Ever notice how insurance companies advertisements are always about saving money? 
Ever notice how car dealership advertisements are always about saving money?
And so on...

I do not want anyone to think that Carolina Living Real Estate is some gimmicky discount brokerage.  We are a FULL SERVICE professional brokerage and Property Management Firm!.   (I)  Roby Robertson have worked for some of the biggest brokerages in the industry and years ago decided to go it as an independent broker.  

Those of us that are Realtors and proudly display the Realtor Logo are bound by ethics that we 
abide by.   I want to emphasize that we have never and would never post disparaging information about other brokers and brokerages.   Everyone makes a personal and business decision where to work and all Realtors, bound by ethics, have service offerings that offer pros and cons just like any other industry.    

The video below was made a few months ago but is still relevant today with the exception of this dang pandemic not going away!   
My goal as a Realtor is to offer the best service I possibly can and save my clients money.  You see as an independent broker we have no obligation to pay our parent broker or franchise any part of our commissions.   This decision leaves us with business expenses of our Realtor Fees, marketing and taxes.   Like any business fees like this are a given.  However, with our business model, we can offer our client discounts with our commissions.   Our fiduciary responsibility is to YOU!   We take this seriously and we work very hard to earn you business and referrals.    Please meet me in the video below and as you make a Realtor decision talk to me as one you consider.

Thanks for reading and watching the video!   

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