Saturday, March 25, 2023

No Substitute For Exerpience in WInston Salem Real Estate

 Funny real estate story (at least it is funny now).

I had mentioned in a previous story that I had started as a part time Realtor and was not very good.   I can tell you from experience you do not get good at this until you have had many real life experiences.    You would probably agree that this is the same with everything we do in life.

One of the 1st transactions I ever did was to help a family from NY find a new home.   We found one that was perfect for them.  It had just been built by an individual builder.   As part of his marketing, he included appliances in all the marketing.

Fast forward to the closing day.   Everyone was very excited.   The buyers got the keys and met the truck to move in.   All I can say is the fun started.   The builder had removed the brand new refrigerator!!   My inexperience led me to think that since it was new construction and all the marketing showed the fridge, that it would be left for them!   

Wrong!    The contract has a place for personal property.  I learned an expensive and important lesson.   ALWAYS list the items the buyer wants in the contract even if the seller has disclosed it conveys.   Better to be safe than sorry…

Needless to say that the buyer got a great closing gift from me (a new refrigerator) and they did become lifelong friends!   There is NO substitute for experience.

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