Saturday, June 24, 2023

Winston Salem | Putting a Value on Service to Others

Personal Philosophy

There is a quote that I love and try to live by:  “It’s easy to make a buck.  It’s a lot tougher to make a difference.” – Tom Brokaw

I have been in the business of educating and serving others throughout my business career.     Before starting my career in Real Estate, I was a consultant in the business of IT (computer software).  I spent a lot of time on the road helping companies and their staff learn new technologies.   I did this from the standpoint of teaching classes as well as working 1 on 1.   I found this to be very rewarding as I could tell when the lightbulb went off and found you could actually teach an old dog new tricks.   It was fun until the travel got too much.

I approached my new career in the same way.   I try to keep my knowledge up to date and guide all my Real Estate clients the same way I guided people in my prior career.

Some believe Real Estate is easy.   I can tell you from having 2 careers serving others, there is nothing easy about Real Estate.  Transactions can have bumps at every step from contract to close.   I pride myself in being the problem solver and giving my clients the best service possible.

As I live by the quote above, contrary to how some think about Brokers, this has never been about how much money I make.  This is about getting my clients the best transaction possible and having someone thank me for my service.

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